Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Can Probation Officer Regulate Romantic Relationships?



Can my probation officer tell me I can't be in a romantic relationship?

My friend that I'm getting to know we have known each other for a few months, and she has No criminal background. She is a behavioral specialist and has her stuff together.

Atty Jay K. Nixon, 10 reviews, Licensed for 40 years, Avvo Rating: 10, Criminal Defense Attorney in Janesville, WI

Yes;  for better or for worse, your PO has legal powers and discretion to control your personal life in ways which may not relate at all to your offense which are truly God-like, any time they believe that other lifestyle changes are needed for your rehabilitation.   The most common example about which people complain is requiring total sobriety, but probably the 2nd most common is in their ability to control relationships, and even employment.   The good news, however, is that you can always avoid all this by rejecting probation and simply serving your jail sentence.   If that is potentially a long sentence, you might have to pick the lesser of two evils.   It is, nonetheless, possible to appeal PO decisions within the Department of Corrections system, so talk to a lawyer ASAP if you feel that you might want to fight this.  

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