Saturday, January 30, 2021

Said I was doing 67 in a 55 but the speed limit is 40 mph?

They pulled me over going down a dead end street, then stated I was doing 67 in a 55 the speed limit that is 40 mph and I was pulling into my driveway they then gave me a dui and no speeding ticket then said I was speeding and pulled over a mile away from where they did. My question is should I fight it this is the same county that put me in jail for 20 days with no charges?

DUICriminal   Attorney Jay Nixon, Criminal Defense Attorney in Kenosha & Janesville, WI

You would always fight it in the county where it happened, regardless of whether have 20 days jail time credit coming somewhere. Either way, your odds of a decent outcome will improve with an experienced lawyer, who may or may not tell you that your argument about the officers not knowing the correct speed limit is worth pursuing. It sounds to me like they were following you for a longer time that you imagined, however, since it is common for officers to follow drivers for miles in order to count up enough mistakes to stop them.  We all with you the best of luck!

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