Thursday, February 25, 2021

Stealing People's Online Identities for Posting on Porn Sites

How can I sue someone that is stealing my identity and promoting it on inappropriate websites ?
Jay’s Answer (Jay Nixon, Criminal Defense Lawyer in Janesville & Kenosha, WI)
You have some good answers already, but you might also consider contacting law enforcement. Of course, might trigger some investigating of you, and therefore might not be a good idea if you have reason to fear a background investigation. In order to assure that they are getting reliable information, police have a duty to investigate all parties involved, including crime victims, at least to a limited degree, since they are professionally trained to start from the presumption that everyone whom they encounter might be lying to them, until proven otherwise. That being said, however, what these identity thieves are doing to violates dozens of state and federal laws and could subject these folks to major prison time, if they could ever be located in any country which would extradite them to the United States. Regrettably, however, Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, and many other favorite haunts of professional hackers (who might also moonlight for the "intelligence" services of those governments), do not do that (and good luck holding them accountable if they are in Nigeria).

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