Monday, November 30, 2020

Settling Collection Lawsuits vs Filing Bankruptcy

If I had a lawsuit filed against me can I work out a payment plan with the court before I have to go to court next month? I had a medical bill go to collections for 900$. I don't want my check to get garnished again. I've had it happen before and I just want to make payments on it so I can get my credit score back up.

Jay’s answer: Bankruptcy Attorney in Kenosha & Janesville, WI

Although it is always worth a try, collectors have no obligation to accept payments of less than 100%, (which includes interest and attorney fees). Either way, your odds of getting some sort of installment will improve if you can include some sort of substantial first payment right away to demonstrate your good faith. That helps because collectors get a lot of broken promises. However, if you are having financial problems, you also owe it to yourself to have a free initial consult with an experienced bankruptcy lawyer. You could often pay for a bankruptcy and discharge all the debts for what it would otherwise take to settle even one of them, which, in the long run, is a far better way to spend limited available funds. Either way, good luck to you!

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